“GRACEbreak | The Benefits of Unplugging”
by Tracy Worley

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Today’s Show: GRACEbreak Host Tray Worley discusses the impact of continually being plugged in and the benefits of unplugging. Yes, unplug from television, music, phones, computers, etc. . . .

Unplugging creates synergy in our thought process to reflect on our daily routine of what is working (add more of), and what is not working (delete, adopt or adapt changes).  If we are not unplugging daily and thinking into our daily life and results we are missing the ‘boat’ to true success in our personal and professional lives. Most importantly, unplugging creates better relationships with ourselves and those around us.

“We need self-control to finish a project, persevere through tedious or seemingly indecipherable bits of life, hold our temper, plan for tomorrow, and turn off the television to meet a baby’s gaze. . . self-control blossoms into broader forms of focus and persistence called  ‘engagement’ that fuel both academic achievement and depth of thought. . . . Without the powers of focus, awareness, and judgment that fuel self-control we cannot fend off distractions, set goals, manage a complex, changing environment, and ultimately shape the trajectory of our lives. “Maggie Jackson. (2009) Distracted. Prometheus Books, page 232-233.

Personal invitation to unplug and learn how the top 1% of Entrepreneurs ‘think’ into their business and success. We are betting on your so bet on yourself and take advantage of our Bet On Yourself Offer!

GRACEbreak Retreat

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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