Through personal gifts, pain, and success I have found three ways to keep focus on the grace and mercy surrounding me.
How to start:
- Gift: what area in life are you gifted? Find someone inside or outside of your profession to mentor. Mentoring comes easy for me, and easy to do. In honesty, I usually walk away from mentoring someone else with a lot more than I gave.
- Pain: what area in your life has there been pain or struggle? God has made you an expert in this field, find someone to lift up. Lifting others in and from my pain is an area I am working on, and admittedly the freedom of helping others is indescribable.
- Praise: who in your life can you praise for sharing their struggle? Praise, this is my favorite part! Verbal or written is fun and one way I give praise in written form is a thank you card with a brand new Band-Aid. I usually state something like, “Thank you for sharing your success and failures. I am sending you this gift in appreciation for one less fall I will be taking, one less set of skinned knees because you shared how not to fall in ______.”
“And it was only right God – who made everything and for whom everything was made – should bring his many children into glory. Through the suffering of Jesus, God made him a perfect leader, one fit to bring them into their salvation.” Heb:2:10
Recently, on a call with Julie Gorman a truth rang true. Julie stated something like this, “The very struggle or pain we go through is the very platform God uses us for.” I hope you are tracking with me and asking ; what, why, or how would I want to speak God’s truth through the pain I have suffered? This is the question I have personally been walking away from most of my adult-life. Julie’s comment convicted my heart; but that’s not all, there are several other truth tellers in my life where this same message came about within a two week period.
The above Hebrews passage brings about grace and mercy granted to you and me. Suffering makes us sensitive servants to god, and our pain lends more compassion, heart, and clarity to help others who are also hurting.
Look UP and OUT my Friends!
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