Ask yourself the following and then follow me on a journey:
- Do you ever feel like a ‘fake’?
- Are you overwhelmed with daily tasks?
- Have I laughed so hard it hurt (If it has been longer than a week answer yes)?
- I feel worthless in most things I do.
- It is difficult to focus on a task and complete it.
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these it is time to take an abundance of heart and joy inventory.
The journey is the best part of life but how do I maintain joy and abundance? From my personal journey and gift(s) of failing here and there; below are five tips to encourage your heart to joy and the abundant success you deserve and desire.
- Write daily one thing you are grateful for. For me there were some dark and deep valley times. During this time the only thing I could write down in gratitude was my specialty coffee from a local coffee house. If you have more than one, GREAT! Write them all down as they will be helpful to go back to on those dark and deep valley days.
- Find a mentor. A mentor helps keep you to stay unstuck on your success journey. I have several mentors in my life at any given time to help in various areas.
- Give someone a hug. I know, some of you may not be huggers but there is a mental and physiologic shift when giving someone an encouraging hug or squeeze of an arm. Hugs give personal worth beyond our understanding, to give of oneself; you receive back abundant joy ten-fold.
- Exercise. Ohhhhh Nelly! Yep, I said it. There are so many differing opinions regarding exercise. I suggest follow what makes you feel good and able to still walk the next day. At least 15 minutes a day in a brisk walk, yoga, or weights gives a boost in mood which in turn gives you more joy. Of course if you are under a physicians care, please follow their guidelines before setting your own course.
- Practice What You Preach. We have heard this saying and basically it is modeling the behavior of your actions and words. What you say, we do. On a liberating note, if what you are saying or doing is not in alignment with who you are; cut-away the people, places, and things no longer in alignment of your personal and professional life. What you say, and do keeps you authentic in abundant joy and out of the proverbial “fake” house.
Break all the rules! Break out of the “fake house” and you will live in abundant joy!
Look UP and OUT my Friends! Tracy Worley© 2013, Tracy Worley (Selkirk Coaching and Training Group). All rights reserved
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