I am a Hope Dealer

Hope Dealer? Have you ever taken hope for granted? Or ever wanted more hope to get through your day? Here is the answer: I believe in  you! Yes, you the one reading this! What is hope and why is it such a commodity to our daily well-being?
  • Hope is the spark to our future.
  • Hope is knowing the “fight” is a journey and not a defeat.
  • Hope is the foundation of love, and love is everything.

This holiday season and as we step into Christmas week I want to give you a few gifts:

I believe in  you, I will battle and fight beside you, and I love you.


One of our retailers for the last few years have had themed ornaments that say; joy, peace, faith, and hope. So, for the past few years I have purchased all of the HOPE ornaments. Yes, every store I can visit of this retailer I purchase all of the HOPE.

One particular visit a lady behind me in the check-out saw the ornaments and said, “those are beautiful, I should get one.” I then said, “I took all the HOPE, and there is no HOPE for you.” Yes, you can see my sense of humor at play here and graciously the lady responded with cheer, joy, and a giggle. By the time I left with my purchase and more conversation; the stranger who “has no hope”, embraced me and said, I love you.

Remember to be a spark of hope for someone else, even a stranger as you just never know what kind of new adventure will ensue.

Just a few days ago entering Costco I zigged rather than stay the course and unaware a gentlemen was right on my heels. So my zigging halted his progress and any cheer in his attitude. When I met his eyes I saw the dismay, disgust, and hurry. My natural response is one of hope,cheery, and perhaps a slight inflection of humor; “Sorry, sir to have impeded your progress, and welcome to Costco.”

When shopping, caroling, worshiping, visiting, or just visiting family and friends; take a deep breath and slow down. Remember to be light of heart this season; we do not know strangers or at times our own friends, and families stories and why they are sour and in a hurry.

Be HOPE; by being slow to rebuttal and quick with a smile of encouragement.

Look UP and OUT my Friends!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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