Daily I am aware of the life giving force of striving toward my potential and from this came about a book Potential².
Definition: Infinite Potential (Potential²) is growing, learning, and adding value to self and others until we are no longer able to take another breath on this earth.
One way to Potential² is a path of knowledge. Knowledge is only powerful when it is applied to be more than you are today. Did you know?
- One-third of high school graduates will never read another book after graduation.
- 42% of college graduates will never read another book after graduation.
- 32% of the U.S. population has never been in a bookstore.
Most people are willing to settle for average in life, and I hope you are not willing to settle for average!
Potential² is growing, learning, and adding value to self and others until you no longer are able to take another breath on this earth. Potential² is living out the gifts and talents we are given and refining them to live the fullest life possible. Fullest life? Your potential carries a life and energy force of its own. When living within your gifts, your potential for joy and success comes naturally and without struggle. This equals your fullest life.
You know who you are and what you have to offer the world but one of the hardest things to do is to help others see that too. Dorie Clark has a wonderful article in Harvard Business Review with a few beginning steps of how to communicate your potential!
How to Get Others to See Your Potential
by Dorie Clark (For full article click here)
“Overcoming people’s past perceptions of you isn’t easy. . . Of course, you can’t just prop someone’s eyelids open, A Clockwork Orange-style, and force them to read your white papers or watch your webinars. So how do you get other people to realize, and remember, what you’re doing now — and grasp what you’re truly capable of?”
- Create content
- Leverage social proof.
- Find a wingman.
Look UP and OUT my Friends!
Dori Clark (2013). How to Get Others to See Your Potential. Harvard Business Review.
Tracy Worley (2013). Potential² Manifesto. Kindle Edition.
Photo Credit: Spring Bird, Buds, & Barn
Ovando, Montana
© Mark Mesenko
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