It doesn’t take long to leave the bustle of the city, with deadlines, hurried conversations and threads of communication, sometimes barely holding on. Here we can renew our seeds of openness, compassion and curiosity, then emerge and blossom with brand new ideas. So take a walk, relax in the dining room over hot coffee and nourishing meals, enjoy the energy of new friendships, be challenged to create a new you, and simply just have fun and be glad that you are a GRACEbreak woman, full of spirit, eagerness to learn and ready to accept life with an open mind and spirit.
You have infinite potential , and I can see it, feel it, and help you find Potential².
Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential² seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential², tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential² personally and professionally.
Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential², Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.
Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.
But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential². Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.
I wasn’t always straight talking Grammy Mo. I was the shy, quiet kid that everyone in my neighborhood would gravitate towards when they needed someone to talk to about their problems. I would simply listen. I was the eldest of three children.When I was 10, my younger brother, the eldest of two younger brothers was diagnosed with leukemia. I remember my parents telling me that my brother had about six months to live. Just before he died, he told me he was going to be okay because there were lots of people in the light. My brother’s death and how both he and my parents handled it taught me an important lesson: death was not something that I needed to be afraid of, and that talking about hard things was good.
A couple of years later a new baby brother arrived so I am still the eldest of three with two brothers younger than me. I learned to play cars and trucks and learned to love sports. I still love sports and am a season ticket holder for our local National Basketball Team, The Moncton Miracles.
Looking back, it doesn’t surprise me that I went into helping professions. I left home at 17 to attend a three-year nursing school program and worked in labor and delivery on the maternity ward and eventually as a surgical nurse, but shiftwork made it difficult for family life. The environment was stressful and often emotionally toxic.
I eventually took a day job in reproductive health. With my background in delivery room nursing, I thought I would be helping women to become pregnant but once on the job, the shy kid – who went through her entire nursing degree program without ever raising her hand to ask a question – was now going to have to build the Reproductive Health Clinic. Upon arrival at our office my colleague and I found only a typewriter in the middle of the floor. I soon discovered that I was going to be talking about sex, sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, pregnancy tests, and offering counseling to both teens and parents!
About two months into the job, we were told we had our first speaking engagement coming up. I was terrified! At that moment, I chose to push through my comfort zone and fears, so I stood trembling in front of 60 parents at a local elementary school for the first time. After it was over, the parents stormed us with gratitude for presenting them with this desired information.
We were high on that first speaking engagement and I got the new found confidence to begin a public speaking career with 110 speaking engagements that first year. I spoke with parents, students, teachers, counselors, and anyone who wanted to know about teenage sex and sexuality. I even wrote a book on the topic. I continue to do speaking engagements today. As I was growing in my profession at the Sexual Health Centre, I knew I needed more skills. I got my Masters of Education and became a Certified Canadian Counselor while at the same time learning about Dr. William Glasser. I studied under William Glasser, a world-renowned psychiatrist who developed Choice Theory Reality Therapy and Lead Management. It’s a mouthful, but essentially, it is all about our relationships with people. Bill Glasser was more than my teacher; he was my friend and mentor until his death on August 23, 2013. He challenged me in ways that helped me take the leaps toward who I am today.
In 1990, while still working at the Sexual Health Centre, I started my own company, Moncton Reality Therapy Consultants, an education and training center for the advancement of Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. I also built a large counseling practice working with several Employee Assistance Programs. (EAP)
As I worked with my EAP clients, I was seeing a client pattern of unhealthy workplace relationships leading to stress leave. I knew that research showed that when people left their jobs, most of the time, it was because of a difficult relationship within the organization. I believe that the best way for me to influence this is to work with more groups of people in group coaching or group training programs.
Today my goal is to add value to others through coaching, training and speaking. I am a Seniorpreneur and proud of it! I bring a life time of experience and learning to share with you and help you grow and find your own inner ideas and purpose.
Laura Prisc is a perceptive executive and life coach, teacher, and speaker, providing unconventional insight to her clients. Through her uncanny focus on her clients, Laura intuitively understands both the articulated and unspoken needs of the entrepreneurs, teams, and organizations she serves. Quickly getting to the heart of the matter, she leads participants through a process of Inquiry, Discovery, Mastery ™, shining a light on the often unrecognized talents, strengths, uncertainties, and desires of those whom she accompanies on this journey.
For more than a decade, Laura has been recognized for her expertise in forming deep connections, creating a comfortable environment for growth, inspiring new ways of thinking, and synthesizing broad-ranging information in the areas of leadership development, personal growth, communication, team building, and employee engagement into easily understood and applicable concepts. The result for her clients: Increased awareness that allows them to think and act with intention, equipping them to enjoy greater satisfaction in their lives and work.
Laura has a burning desire to help others grow and she firmly believes the place to start is with self-awareness and intentionality. Through her coaching, teaching, and speaking Laura helps individuals, teams, entrepreneurs, and organizations discover themselves, identify what holds meaning in their lives, and raise the level of their performance. She is committed to helping others discover their purpose, define their dreams, and create the lives they long for thru reflection, focused thinking, and intentional action. The author of The “What Matters Most” Manifesto; certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker thru both the John Maxwell and Deeper Path Teams; and Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Laura is well equipped to accompany you on your self-discovery journey. Prior to her work in personal development, Laura worked as a professional communicator in a variety of industries for nearly 25 years. She and her family live in West Virginia.
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